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Live Wedding Painting

How much does it cost?

All quotes start off at $400. 

Price can vary based on factors such as:

Medium used, background choice, travel costs,

and frame cost.





Ask for a quote!

Reach out for a quote using the Contact form below.










The Background

The background of the painting is a preference and can vary in price based on complexity. Different options for the background include: the environment of the ceremony or reception space, or a more abstract background.



Some factors to consider when reaching out for a Quote:
The Medium.

Monochromatic or Grasaille

Monochromatic or black and white is a nice option to consider as well.

Oil Paint

Oil paint takes a longer time to dry, but has a richness in color that acrylic does not.


Acrylic paint is water-based and has a faster drying time.


Interested? Get in touch for a specified quote.

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